Behavioral Insights

Helping clients identify their audiences, understand who they are and the narratives driving their engagement, and positively influence what they think and do.

We use data analytics and behavioral science theories to transform campaign strategy, messaging and content. By moving from instincts to insights, we can move from “we think” to “we know” about what will be effective with our audiences — and make sure we meet them where they are, at the right time and place.

Identify and Understand Your Target Audience

We build audiences using Omnicom Public Relation Group’s advanced analytics platform to identify the audiences most relevant to your campaign. We then build personas about who they are, where they get their information, who influences them and what motivates them.
Using this data, we can develop messaging and creative content most likely to resonate with your audience, and then precisely reach them with digital advertising.

Discover Your Audience’s Narratives

Narratives are the stories and beliefs that underpin our conversations and interactions. They are built on and tie together cultural, political and societal themes, driving online conversations and the media landscape.

We examine the thousands — or millions — of social posts, Reddit threads and news articles about a topic, then uses machine learning and qualitative analysis to identify the broader narratives that are driving the conversations. We then uncover opportunities and risks for organizations as they engage in these conversations.


Persuasively Tell Your Story to Your Audience

We apply behavioral science — proven principles about how, when and why people make decisions — and design communications to more effectively persuade them.

Our clients often need the “nudges” and “boosts” from behavioral science to soften the audience’s opposition to an issue or brand, get their audience off the fence, or close the “intention gap” in getting the audience to follow through on a behavior.

Directly Reach Your Audience Online

We use targeted advertising to reach the decision makers, influencers and audiences that matter most for your campaign.

With targeted advertising, our team uses demographic, behavioral, attitudinal and geographic targeting technology that enable more laser focused, segmented audiences and content development than ever before. We build custom audience groups, create tailored content, and develop tactics to precisely target audiences and ensure messages resonate with them.

Persuasively Tell Your Story to Your Audience

We build custom behavior and organizational change campaigns specific to your challenges. You have read about behavioral science “nudges.” Now you want to use these heuristics to your advantage. However, two of the most important words in behavioral science are “context matters.”

Our team applies the understanding about how, when and why certain tools, techniques and language make the difference. We will often begin this custom campaign with a pilot campaign to test and optimize prior to scaling your intervention.

Team Members

James Baril_2
James Baril


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