Giving Voice to Millions of Consumers

The Solution

Communicating the Right Messages
We conducted opinion research about lending products to determine key messages that would resonate with consumers and lawmakers. These results formed the foundation for all aspects of our communication strategy.
We built a website that served as the hub of our communications and education efforts. It provided visitors with information about personal finance, tips and resources for good financial health and updates about federal and state legislation effecting consumers. We expanded communications into social media and developed a network of followers on Facebook and Twitter.

Mobilizing the Community
We equipped our website with tools that allowed us to strategically deploy our members around legislative threats and media opportunities. As many of our members used mobile phones as their primary source of communications, we also deployed a texting capability to mobilize members. We provided a forum for consumers to share their testimonials about the importance of this product via audio and text that were placed on an interactive map and shared with policy-makers.
The views of consumers have been heard through these and other tools. We generated tens of thousands of letters and thousands of phone calls to state and federal lawmakers, over 175,000 signatures for a petition to regulators and hundreds of op-ed placements, letters to the editor and online comments to articles.