5 Tips to Mastering a Materiality Assessment

In any good book of ESG best practices, one of the first steps for any business is to undergo a materiality assessment. This is an exercise performed once every two-to-three years whereby a company engages with stakeholders to identify shared priorities and understand the impacts of their business.

Three Potential SEC Actions on ESG Reporting: Is your company ready?


Over the course of the 2020 election and leading up to the inauguration, President Joe Biden laid out a sweeping agenda to address climate change using all levers of government. With Democrats settling into a razor-thin majority in the Senate, however, passing an ambitious legislative package through Congress may be an uphill battle.

Employee Activism is on the Rise. Here’s Why.


“What is the most important thing for a company? Is it the cash flow? Is it the inventory? Nuh-uh. It’s the people.” As fans of the mockumentary “The Office” know all too well, Michael Scott, regional manager of Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, wasn’t right about a lot of things. But I believe he was right to suggest that a talented and motivated workforce is the key ingredient for a successful business.