Five Strategies for Mission Advancement Amid 2020 Presidential

Five Strategies for Mission Advancement Amid 2020 Presidential

Every four years, our collective interest in national politics and societal issues spikes in the months leading up to the presidential election. It’s an important period for our nation and one ripe with opportunity for philanthropic leaders interested in shaping issues and advancing their missions.

Employee Activism is on the Rise. Here’s Why.


“What is the most important thing for a company? Is it the cash flow? Is it the inventory? Nuh-uh. It’s the people.” As fans of the mockumentary “The Office” know all too well, Michael Scott, regional manager of Dunder Mifflin, Scranton, wasn’t right about a lot of things. But I believe he was right to suggest that a talented and motivated workforce is the key ingredient for a successful business.

How 1 in 4 People Can Win Your Campaign

The crowd briskly walked past the New York City street corner, as if it were any other sunny day in their concrete jungle. Eventually, one person noticed someone looking up toward the sky, and pausing from their scurry, their gaze followed toward the clouds. Then another, and another.